Not For Personal Profit

Dear AA,

We read your list of things that could indicate a previous abduction experience and WE THINK WE HAVE BEEN ABDUCTED! This revelation was greeted with much skepticism when we told people, but we have been convinced.

We are able to accurately predict lottery numbers, but when we purchase tickets the numbers are changed by THEM. Then they come to us in dreams and are angry because we have tried to use the powers they gave us to our own advantage. At night we must curl up and hide under our beds. We first saw a UFO outside my bedroom late one night when we were ten. I also broke our electronic piano when I put the plug in my mouth thus causing our cat to scream continuously for a week. The week after they came back for us but mum interrupted us and they flew away.

Last week we woke up and found small puncture holes in our legs and the window was open and swinging in the wind. All our fingernails had been pulled out and behind our knees were small concentric circles burnt into the skin. There was NO pain.

It is hard for us to tell you or anyone because we know they will return and hurt us again and again and again. Please help. -- Daisy and David

Somehow it doesn't surprise me that you can't win at lotto even though you have been successful at accurately picking the correct numbers. It is my feeling that we are not supposed to profit personally from this phenomena. A lot of people are writing books and making money, and I certainly hope they use the money they make off other people's fear and misery to help other experiencers. Because I feel so strongly about this, all of our staff members are UNPAID volunteers, and all membership money is used to provide meaningful information to experiencers via this netpage.

Regarding your physical symptoms, we would like to see photographs of your "small puncture holes", "concentric circles" and pulled-out fingernails. We would be glad to scan these into our computer and publish these picture on this netpage.

As to "hurting you again and again and again", I thought you said "there was no pain??? Please remember this is a matter of perception -- we pay the medical profession big bucks to hurt us in order to help us. Could it be that 'they' are doing the same for free? -- Editor